29 January 2009

My new favorite piano concerto

For a long time it was Robert Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor. As of yesterday, the throne has been usurped. Behold Moritz Moszkowski's Piano Concerto in E Major. Mesmerizing beyond compare.

16 January 2009

Ix-nay the Arry-bay Ouglas-day

So I didn't actually go see Barry Douglas.  I would have had to go by myself, and live music just isn't the same when you go by yourself.  It's kind of like going to a movie theatre by yourself.  There's no reason you can't enjoy the film, except that you have nobody to enjoy it with.  With whom to enjoy it.  To with enjoy whom it.  Something like that.  Anyway, I find some modicum of solace in the fact that I don't care much for Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 1.  Actually I don't care for the No. 2 either, but I do like it more than the No. 1.

In other news, I think the Educational Testing Service sucks.  When I took the GRE tests (the general test and the physics subject test) back in early November, I sent my scores to the five graduate schools I'm applying to.  Somehow, they only managed to send it to two of them.  Two others never got them (I had to fax them the copies of my scores the ETS sent to me personally), and I still haven't checked on the fifth.  Lame.

In more exciting news, tomorrow I get to go see Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue with the WSO!  Woohoo!

08 January 2009

Afternoon with Barry Douglas

Ok it's not as personal an encounter as the title suggests. I'm going to a Master Class (as a spectator, of course) at OKCU featuring Barry Douglas, who will be performing Strauss's Burleske and Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 1 in E-flat Major with the OKC Phil on Saturday. I saw Barry Douglas about... 12 years ago, rehearsing something with the Wichita Symphony Orchestra. This will be a blast from the past!