13 April 2009

What I learned about graduate school today

Okay, I'm not actually in graduate school yet, but I'm still learning lots about it. For example, today I learned there is almost nothing which will torpedo one's chances at getting into graduate school faster than a sub-par subject GRE test score. At one particular school to which I applied, a summer research internship AND a letter of recommendation from a sitting faculty member still only got me wait-listed. Sheesh.

06 April 2009

Small victories

You've probably noticed that recently Google added an auto-complete feature to its search boxes. When you start typing and then pause for a second, a list appears below the box which contains "suggestions" for your search. I assume Google keeps track of all the phrases people search for, and adds them to the list if they receive some number of searches. Anyway, I consider it a small victory when I search for something for which Google has no auto-complete suggestions. Sometimes I try to "beat" the search box. I type something obscure, pause, wait with bated breath, and usually fist-pump if Google can't come up with anything.