05 July 2007

"Live Earth" scares me

The most unifying idea of our age probably isn't even true.


Man-made global warming has become, for all intents and purposes, a religion, complete with the token brazen claims of dubious factual basis; millions of mindless, salivating zealots ready to maul the unbelieving heretics at the drop of a hat; and lots and lots of propaganda. It also already has a savior (Albert Gore, Jr.) and even its own sacred scriptures (An Inconvenient Truth).

I would suggest finding a copy of the BBC documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle for any who wish to put their faith in REAL science, but nobody actually will, so I will summarize its arguments here:
  • The percent of total carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere every year by human beings is minuscule compared to naturally produced emissions from flora, fauna, and other natural events such as volcanoes.
  • Al Gore was correct in his declaration that there is a conspicuous correlation between atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and temperature levels, but his implicit conclusion, that the former causes the latter, is incorrect. There is significant evidence suggesting that CO2 changes actually LAG BEHIND the temperature changes.
  • After World War II, when industry began to proliferate on a logarithmic scale, global temperatures actually began to DECREASE.
  • If we are to violate the fundamental statistical dictum that correlation DOES NOT imply causation (the central argument of man-made global warming theory does just this), then we should also take note of a far more pronounced correlation between temperature and solar activity (i.e. the presence or absence of sun spots).
It scares me profoundly that so many people have become so fanatical about an argument supported by such flimsy and questionable scientific evidence. It makes me think that, perhaps subconsciously, humanity as a whole has been searching for such a unifying cause for a long time, and having become desperate after ages of failure, we have begun to grope in the dark for something - anything - to which we may firmly, and more importantly, COLLECTIVELY, attach ourselves. While it is undoubtedly admirable and refreshing to see that, despite our vast differences, human beings from so many different places in life do indeed possess the capacity to overcome said differences for the sake of some "greater good," it is equally horrifying to consider that we have chosen to do so under the deluded assumption that we are ultimately effecting our own demise through, of all things, global warming.

If I had to predict our apocalypse, I would put my money on a nuclear holocaust arriving far sooner than lethal climate change.

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