26 June 2007

Cats, rain, and "The Departed"

Lubbock weather is such a tease. So many mornings make me think, "You know what? It just might rain today." But by noon the sky is cloudless and the sun is merciless. So much for that. This morning was completely overcast, so I really had my hopes up, only to see them dashed once again. I am, however, happy to announce that, as I type this, it actually is RAINING! With lightning and thunder and wind and the whole nine yards!

Man, I love rain.

Our two resident cats were particularly restless this evening, so I brought out Mum's long piece of yarn and ran laps through the living room and kitchen, with Cricket (the kitten) hot on my trail. He makes me laugh so hard. I've forgotten how funny kittens are.

I was perusing my roommate's movie collection and found "The Departed." I had such high hopes for that one when I saw previews for it, and I even waited in line to see it on its opening day. For some reason, though, I really didn't enjoy it, and for the life of me I could not figure out why. It had everything I would ever want in a movie: a clever plot, rock solid performances by all the main characters, a few gun battles here and there, and more temptingly-quotable-but-hilariously-vulgar one-liners than I could ever want. It's bothered me ever since I saw it (just the one time), so I popped it in again this evening and watched it again. I have to admit, I enjoyed it much more this time around. I suppose I just wasn't in the right mood for it the first time. I dunno.

That's all I have for now. Tomorrow I'm jerry-rigging some time-lapse photography slides for some very stubborn Drosophila embryos. I have to wake up in about 6.5 hours, so I'm calling it a night.

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