The President didn't even wait until his last days in office to pardon Lewis Libby. I often append discussions of virtually any of the President's recent activities with a phrase somewhere along the lines of "absolutely unbelievable," but, sad as I am to say it, this man has made a believer out of me.
You want to do WHAT at your wedding?
13 years ago
There were much lower lows. This was not that low compared to other lows, in that the whole case was somewhat pointless in the first place. Yes he was guilty, but the whole thing was a completely political attack that really had nothing to do with justice in the first place.
And if all these lows make you depressed, at least he set up a good Supreme Court for the next few decades. One small light in a sea of darkness, I suppose.
Of course the Democrats were thrilled to nail a neocon so high up in the White House, but the case was anything but pointless. He perjured himself four times and he got caught.
I'll revise my words "completely political attack" to "mostly political attack." What was he accused of perjury for? The whole Plame CIA affair. And what has come of that? Nothing so far, though that could perhaps change in the future (but most likely not).
I'm not going to put myself in a position to defend Libby. Yes he was guilty of perjury. And yes he should go to jail.
Is this a supreme example of corruption at the highest level of government? Yep. Are the Democrats any different? Nope. To think that one party is somehow less corrupt is foolish. This is all yet another example of how citizens should do everything in their power to limit the size and power of the government; the more power there is to be had, the more corruption will arise.
I understand the Democrats aren't any better. It was purely serendipitous for them that they ended up looking like the good guys this time.
You should check out this Ron Paul guy. He seems to be the only Republican candidate who actually advocates limited government.
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