23 July 2007

Today was a "people day"

I didn't get much done at work today. I spent a good long while during the afternoon discussing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with the scholar Ms. Sarah Fettke, who pointed out a great many subtleties in this last book I would never otherwise have noticed. I wrote Bravo, Mrs. Rowling (pt. 2) this morning when I got to work, and I wrote a few e-mails too. I also got to chat a bit with Tammy, the Ph.D. student who just finished her rotation in our lab a couple weeks ago. When I got home from work I played Super Smash Brothers Melee with my roommate Cody for a while.

It was a people day, and it was long coming. Even I need one every once in a while.

P.S. If you would like to witness the phoenix-esque transition occurring within the blues world, feast your ears upon this:

P.P.S. I haven't quite figured out why I'm postscripting this. It's not even a letter. Oh well.

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